Better Basics is the favourite for the Best of Industry Award 2024 in the ‘Laboratory & Analysis Technology’ category

We are proud to announce that our innovative product line SmartIntegrate by Better Basics has been nominated as a favourite for the “Best Of Industry Award 2024” in the “Laboratory & Analytical Technology” category!
SmartIntegrate offers a new level of integration and efficiency for everyday laboratory work – and we are thrilled to receive this recognition through the nomination. Now we need your support: Vote for SmartIntegrate and help us win “the Award”!
Thank you for your support and your trust in Better Basics Laborbedarf!
#betterbasics # bestofindustryaward2024 #smartintegrate #innovation #lab #labscience
Further Information
You can download our product catalog as a PDF file from the downloads section of our website.
If you are interested in our products, please use the inquiry form in the downloads section.