Pipetting basics: Pipetting in the lab - practical tips for safe success! View details

We would like to invite you to our next webinar on 27 February 2024. The neoWebCafé is 45 minutes of inspiration! Dive into emerging trends and different perspectives on new developments. Get powerful ideas for the lab of the future directly from industry experts.
In the webinar Basics: Pipetting in the Lab – Practical Tips for Reliable Success! we will cover the basics of pipetting as well as current options for intelligent inventory and organisation in the lab.
Register now for free to secure your place. All participants will receive a handout and a personalised certificate of attendance.
Topics include
- Pipettes and their operation
- Pipette calibration – regulatory requirements and practical maintenance options
- Options for intelligent inventory and modern laboratory organisation
- Questions and answers
We recommend that students, postgraduate students, technical assistants, laboratory technicians and trainees attend.
General information:
This webinar is a joint project of neoLab Migge GmbH, Fluics GmbH and Better Basics Laborbedarf GmbH.
For participation we recommend the software “Microsoft Teams” and a stable internet connection! Event language: English
We are looking forward to your participation!
Further Information
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