Module N°. 01152 - Holder for shaking funnel

Module N°. 01152 – Holder for shaking funnel

What do Better Basics laboratory supplies and the shaking funnel have in common? Both stand for innovation of their time. The shaking funnel, an invention of the Swedish baron Jöns Jakob Berzelius, is still a standard glassware for every chemical laboratory. A number of inventions of the most important laboratory glassware go back to Jöns Jakob Berzelius, including the beaker, the test tube, the round-bottomed flask and the spray bottle. Better Basics Laborbedarf offers innovative holders of the highest standard for all these laboratory glassware, including the module 01152 “Holder for separating funnel / shaking funnel”.

Connoisseurs of the industry are of course aware that innovations in the laboratory industry and chemistry are practically at home in Dresden. After all, Jöns Jakob Berzelius’ works were published in the former Arnoldische Buchhandlung in Dresden from 1835 onwards. It was also publisher Johann Christoph Arnold who first published the translation of Dante’s “Divine Comedy” from the pen of King John of Saxony. But works by Victor Hugo or Carl Maria von Weber were also published in what was once the most successful publishing house of its time in Dresden. Even today, Arnoldstrasse is a reminder of a great publisher and mastermind of his time. In this spirit, and with humility in the face of the greatness of the godfathers of history and science, Better Basics Laborbedarf is making at least a small contribution to continuing to develop the connection between science and research in the 21st century on the Elbe.



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