Mario Schneider speaks on efficiency and laboratory safety at ACHEMA 2022

All the seats were taken for the presentation by Mario Schneider, Managing Director of Better Basics Laborbedarf GmbH, in the forum of the large exhibition hall 4.1, near the laboratory and analysis technology area and the “Digital Lab” action area. There was great interest in the topic of the presentation “Increasing safety and efficiency in the lab through optimised workplace organisation”, because the innovative laboratory organisation system, the SmartRack® from Better Basics Laborbedarf, opens up completely new options in everyday laboratory work that were previously unthinkable.
The presentation was followed by many lively discussions on the topics of safety and efficiency in laboratories, as these are increasingly becoming the focus of decision-makers and those responsible for occupational safety in laboratories.
#achema #achema2022 #bbl #smartrack #fair
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